It's here!
This week in Year 6 we will be completing our SATs tests.
This is an opportunity for you to show off all that you have learnt during your time at Hacton. All we can ask is that you try your best and remember to 'Keep Calm and Carry On'.
Don't forget to have a good sleep each night and a hearty breakfast before coming into school.
You must be in school on time each morning.
The timetable for this week is as follows:
Monday 8th May 2017
Tuesday 9th May 2017
- Spelling Test
- Grammar, Punctuation and Vocabulary Test
Wednesday 10th May 2017
- Maths Arithmetic Paper 1
- Maths Reasoning Paper 2
Thursday 11th May 2017
Depending on the weather, we will be going to Hacton Park on the morning of Friday 12th May 2017.
Please ensure that you have full PE kit in school as if you do not, you will not be allowed to use all of the equipment available.