Monday, 25 April 2016

Year 5 Objectives W/C 25/04/2016


In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:

            • how to find evidence in a text to describe a character
            • to create a freeze frame of something happening in a story
            • to be able to add information into a descriptive sentence
            In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:

                    • to multiply and divide numbers mentally drawing on known facts
                    • solve word problems needing mental multiplication and division
                    • know equivalence between percentages and fractions

                      Weekly Objectives for Year 5

                      Monday, 11 April 2016

                      Year 5 Objectives W/C 11/04/2016


                      In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:

                                • how to understand the difference between a myth and a legend 
                                • recognise the features of a myth
                                • understand how to use the possessive apostrophe
                                In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:

                                    • compare, order and understand the purpose of negative numbers
                                    • add and subtract multiples of 10, 100, 1000, 10,000, and 100,000 to/from 7 digit numbers
                                    • place 7 digit numbers on marked and empty number lines.

                                      Weekly Objectives for Year 5

                                      Year 6 Objectives W/C 11.04.16


                                      In Year 6 this week, we will be learning:

                                      • to use persuasive vocabulary to sell luxury houses;
                                      • to use prepositional phrases; and
                                      • to write an advert.


                                      In Year 6 this week, Mrs Leslie's and Mrs Mason's maths set will be learning:

                                      • to calculate elapsed time;
                                      • to add and subtract units of time;
                                      • to read and interpret timetables; and
                                      • to apply our knowledge of time to solve real life problems.

                                      Miss Samuels' set will be learning:

                                      • to identify properties of 3D shapes;
                                      • to recognise nets of 3D shapes; and
                                      • to draw nets of 3D shapes.
                                      As a school, we subscribe to the 'My Maths' website to support children in their learning. Please encourage your child to make the most of this fantastic resource.