Monday, 3 October 2016

Year 6 Objectives W/C 03/10/16


In Year 6 this week, we will be learning:
  • To use suspense conventions to write a short suspense story;
  • To use relative clauses; and
  • To create atmosphere in our writing using figurative language.


In Year 6 this week, we will be learning:
  • To use known multiplication facts;
  • To use standard written methods for multiplication; and
  • To use and apply our understanding of number to solve problems.
As a school, we subscribe to the My Maths website to support children in their learning. Please encourage your child to make the most of this fantastic resource.

Monday, 26 September 2016

Year 6 Objectives W/C 26/09/16


In Year 6 this week, we will be learning:
  • To classify texts according to their genre;
  • To identify the features of suspense writing; and
  • To use suspense techniques in a short story. 


In Year 6 this week, we will be learning:
  • To add and subtract using negative numbers;
  • To recognise square and cube numbers; and
  • To solve calculations that use brackets.
As a school, we subscribe to the My Maths website to support children in their learning. Please encourage your child to make the most of this fantastic resource.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Year 5 Objectives W/C 19/09/16


In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:
  • About use of subject specific language in the story War Horse
  • To write a diary from the perspective of a character
  • To self-edit and peer assess work


In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:
  • To find change from £20, £50 and £100
  • To use column subtraction to subtract pairs of 4 to 6 digit numbers.
  • To choose whether to use column subtraction of the counting up method

Year 5's Shopping Spree

Year 5 hit the sales as Mrs Standen's Jumble opened in 5SB today.  Children went wild with £10, £20 and even £50 notes and improved their change giving skills as they bought and sold Mrs S's most treasured possessions.

Monday, 19 September 2016

Year 6 Objectives W/C 19/09/16


In Year 6 this week, we will be learning:
  • To write a poem using personification; and 
  • To write a setting description, using figurative language, powerful verbs, adverbs and adjectives, in order to create an image in the reader's mind. 


In Year 6 this week, we will be learning:
  • To order numbers with up to three decimal places; 
  • To multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000; and 
  • To place decimal numbers on a number line accurately. 
As a school, we subscribe to the My Maths website to support children in their learning. Please encourage your child to make the most of this fantastic resource.

Monday, 12 September 2016

Year 6 Objectives W/C 12/09/2016


In Year 6 this week, we will be learning:
  • To identify personification in poetry; and 
  • To use personification to create imagery. 


In Year 6 this week, we will be learning:
  • To read and write numbers up to 10,000,000; 
  • To use place value when solving mental calculations; and 
  • To us the column method when adding numbers with up to 6 digits. 
As a school, we subscribe to the My Maths website to support children in their learning. Please encourage your child to make the most of this fantastic resource.

Year 5 Objectives W/C- 12/09/2016


In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:
  • Recognising the features of a diary 
  • Write a diary entry using correct features 
  • Comparison of character descriptions in War Horse 


In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:
  • Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1,000 
  • Addition and subtraction of money 
  • Ordering decimal places on a number line

Monday, 5 September 2016

Year 5 Objectives W/C - 05/09/2016


In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:
  • Introduce War Horse by Michael Morpurgo 
  • Make predictions about the book 
  • To create a character profile 


In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:
  • Place value in 5, 6 and 7 digit numbers 
  • Comparing numbers 
  • Column method addition

Year 6 - Welcome Back!

Welcome back to all of our new Year 6 pupils!

We trust that you have had a restful but exhilirating summer break and are refuelled, ready for the start of what will be a busy yet truly exciting new school year.

This week we will be getting to know each other through a range of different activities and set goals for the forthcoming year. We will also be making a start with our Year 6 curriculum: World War 2, Sikhism and Hip Hop Music.

Remember to check back here every Monday to see what we will be learning about each week!

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow as we embark on our learning journey together!

Year 6 Team

Monday, 9 May 2016

Year 5 Objectives W/C 09/05/2016


In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:

    • to understand how to write a clear summary
    • use commas to clarify meaning
    • assessments

    In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:

          • how to measure and draw angles
          • recognise obtuse, acute and reflex angles
          • know that angles on a straight line add up to 180 degrees
          • assessments

          Weekly Objectives for Year 5

            Friday, 6 May 2016

            Year 5 Objectives W/C 02/05/2016


            In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:

            • to use modal verbs and adverbs to indicate degrees of possibility
            • to use spoken language to develop understanding
            • to understand what they have read by asking questions to develop their understanding
            • use commas to clarify meaning

            In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:

            • know equivalence between percentages and fractions
            • To be able to work out a missing angle
            • Solve multiplication and division problems

                Weekly Objectives for Year 5

                    Monday, 25 April 2016

                    Year 5 Objectives W/C 25/04/2016


                    In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:

                              • how to find evidence in a text to describe a character
                              • to create a freeze frame of something happening in a story
                              • to be able to add information into a descriptive sentence
                              In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:

                                      • to multiply and divide numbers mentally drawing on known facts
                                      • solve word problems needing mental multiplication and division
                                      • know equivalence between percentages and fractions

                                        Weekly Objectives for Year 5

                                        Monday, 11 April 2016

                                        Year 5 Objectives W/C 11/04/2016


                                        In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:

                                                  • how to understand the difference between a myth and a legend 
                                                  • recognise the features of a myth
                                                  • understand how to use the possessive apostrophe
                                                  In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:

                                                      • compare, order and understand the purpose of negative numbers
                                                      • add and subtract multiples of 10, 100, 1000, 10,000, and 100,000 to/from 7 digit numbers
                                                      • place 7 digit numbers on marked and empty number lines.

                                                        Weekly Objectives for Year 5

                                                        Year 6 Objectives W/C 11.04.16


                                                        In Year 6 this week, we will be learning:

                                                        • to use persuasive vocabulary to sell luxury houses;
                                                        • to use prepositional phrases; and
                                                        • to write an advert.


                                                        In Year 6 this week, Mrs Leslie's and Mrs Mason's maths set will be learning:

                                                        • to calculate elapsed time;
                                                        • to add and subtract units of time;
                                                        • to read and interpret timetables; and
                                                        • to apply our knowledge of time to solve real life problems.

                                                        Miss Samuels' set will be learning:

                                                        • to identify properties of 3D shapes;
                                                        • to recognise nets of 3D shapes; and
                                                        • to draw nets of 3D shapes.
                                                        As a school, we subscribe to the 'My Maths' website to support children in their learning. Please encourage your child to make the most of this fantastic resource.  

                                                        Tuesday, 22 March 2016

                                                        Year 5 Objectives W/C 21/03/2016


                                                        In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:

                                                                  • how to analyse and understand poems 
                                                                  • identify poetic features
                                                                  • write their own poem based on 'The Magic Box' by Kit Wright
                                                                  In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:
                                                                  • how find perimeters of composite shapes
                                                                  • how to work out the missing lengths of sides in order to find perimeters
                                                                  • find areas of squares and rectangles in cm2 of m2

                                                                  Weekly Objectives for Year 5

                                                                    Tuesday, 15 March 2016

                                                                    Year 5 Objectives W/C 14/03/2016


                                                                    In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:

                                                                          • how to use commas
                                                                          • how to use similes and metaphors to describe a setting
                                                                          (Year 5 assessment week)

                                                                              In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:
                                                                              • how to find non-unit fractions of amounts
                                                                              • how to compare fractions
                                                                              (Year 5 assessment week)

                                                                              Weekly Objectives for Year 5

                                                                              Thursday, 10 March 2016

                                                                              Homework Writing Challenge - The Winner

                                                                              As part of our homework over half-term, the children were asked to write a short story based on a photograph they were given.

                                                                              All of the entries were fantastic!  However, one story stood out above the rest.  We hope you enjoy it. 
                                                                              Well done to Frankie in Year 5.

                                                                              TRIPLE T (TIME TRAVELLING TORTOISE)

                                                                              Let me tell you a little story about a Tortoise called Sheldon. From how he went from house pet to the White house. Let’s set the scene the year is 1945 and the allied forces are closing in on the capital of Germany, Berlin! In a secret lab, German scientists had been making a one of a kind time travelling machine to travel back in time to win the war. However, as the bombs drop overhead they rushed to keep it hidden from the allies. So, they built into the shell of a Tortoise, and that tortoise was Sheldon!

                                                                              As the scientists finished a large explosion ripped through the lab as a bomb made a direct hit. As the smoke cleared in the rubble an American soldier, who was searching the lab, spotted Sheldon out of the corner of his eye. Scooping him up to safety in his bag along, with top secret papers that were lying around, he then headed back to his platoon.

                                                                              The war was won. The soldiers went home. Sheldon returned safely home with the soldier where he lived for many years; until the soldier became old and was too ill to look after Sheldon. So, he handed Sheldon and his chest of army treasures over to his grandson, Jimi. Jimi cared for Sheldon for many years not knowing about the amazing treasures Sheldon carried around with him. Until one day Jimi came home from his job and saw that his house had been ransacked by top secret agents of the German army who had also been following him for many weeks. As Jimi checked the damage it looked like they had been searching for Sheldon. But why, this doesn’t make any sense he questioned himself. He picked Sheldon up wondering what they would want in an old slow tortoise like Sheldon. As he stared at Sheldon he noticed his granddads ancient chest that he had left him along with Sheldon. Maybe the answer could be in here he asked himself?

                                                                              Jimi excitedly searched through the old rusty chest, rustling about between old medals and photos he noticed a file that stated top secret. As he read he discovered that the Germans planned to travel back in time to win the war.

                                                                              Tuesday, 8 March 2016

                                                                              Year 5 Objectives W/C 07/03/2016


                                                                              In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:

                                                                                  • how to use hyphens 
                                                                                  • how to plan and re-draft a story that includes figurative writing
                                                                                  • to use descriptive writing to describe characters and a setting

                                                                                    In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:
                                                                                    • how to use factors and multiples to aid mental equations
                                                                                    • how to divide using mental strategies
                                                                                    • how to solve multi-step problems involving different operations.

                                                                                      Weekly Objectives for Year 5

                                                                                    Monday, 7 March 2016

                                                                                    Year 6 Objectives W/C 07.03.16


                                                                                    In Year 6 this week, we will be learning:

                                                                                    • to revise, edit and improve a piece of writing;
                                                                                    • to create a bank of descriptive vocabulary; and
                                                                                    • to write a description of an encounter with a beast.


                                                                                    In Year 6 this week, Miss Samuels' maths set will be learning:

                                                                                    • to calculate elapsed time;
                                                                                    • to add and subtract units of time;
                                                                                    • to read and interpret timetables; and
                                                                                    • to apply our knowledge of time to solve real life problems.

                                                                                    Mrs Mason and Mrs Leslie's set will be learning:

                                                                                    • to find all the possible outcomes in an algebraic equation;
                                                                                    • to use algebra when writing a formula; and
                                                                                    • to solve formulas which are written algebraically;
                                                                                    • to add, subtract, divide and multiply fractions.
                                                                                    As a school, we subscribe to the 'My Maths' website to support children in their learning. Please encourage your child to make the most of this fantastic resource.  

                                                                                    Monday, 29 February 2016

                                                                                    Year 6 Objectives W/C 29/02/16


                                                                                    In Year 6 this week, we will be learning:

                                                                                    • to empathise with different fictional characters;
                                                                                    • to identify the features of a play script; and
                                                                                    • to change a story in to a play script..


                                                                                    In Year 6 this week, we will be learning:

                                                                                    • to find missing numbers within a calculation;
                                                                                    • to generate and describe number sequences; and 
                                                                                    • to use simple formulae.
                                                                                    As a school, we subscribe to the 'My Maths' website to support children in their learning. Please encourage your child to make the most of this fantastic resource.  

                                                                                    Year 5 Objectives W/C 29/02/16


                                                                                    In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:

                                                                                    • how writers use language to create dramatic effects 
                                                                                    • to identify the main events in poetry
                                                                                    • to recognise poetic devices


                                                                                    In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:

                                                                                        • place value addition and subtraction of numbers with 2 decimal places 
                                                                                        • to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000
                                                                                        • round decimals to the nearest whole and tenth
                                                                                        Weekly Objectives for Year 5

                                                                                          Monday, 22 February 2016

                                                                                          Year 6 SATs Information

                                                                                          Thank you to all parents who attended our recent SATs information meeting. The talk covered new expectations for the upcoming Year 6 SATs and we gave details about the tests that children will be sitting. A lot of ground was covered so we have posted the presentation for those who could not attend and for parents who want to study the information in more detail.

                                                                                          Year 6 Road Safety Play

                                                                                          Our Year 6 pupils became investigators as they pieced together clues and listened to witness statements from the scene of a tragic road traffic accident. A friend of the deceased and the driver of the car both gave their version of the how a young boy had been run over; however, we soon discovered that they each had a part to play in the events which led to this fatality.

                                                                                          The production reminded us all of the importance of road safety and the possible dangers and consequences of not paying attention when using the roads: listening to music; playing around with friends next to the road; kicking footballs in or near the road; using mobile phones when crossing zebra crossings or the road; cycling irresponsibly and not checking for oncoming traffic could all lead to avoidable accidents. Thank you to 'The Riot Act' for reminding us of this important message.

                                                                                          Always remember to stop, look and listen and keep yourself safe.

                                                                                          Year 6 Objectives W/C 22/02/16


                                                                                          In Year 6 this week, we will be learning:

                                                                                          • to respond to different fiction stories;
                                                                                          • to make predictions; and
                                                                                          • to look for clues within a text.


                                                                                          In Year 6 this week, we will be learning:

                                                                                          • to convert between different units of measurement; and
                                                                                          • to solve word problems involving measure.
                                                                                          As a school, we subscribe to the 'My Maths' website to support children in their learning. Please encourage your child to make the most of this fantastic resource.  

                                                                                          Monday, 8 February 2016

                                                                                          Year 5 Objectives W/C 08/02/16


                                                                                          In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:

                                                                                          • compare and contrast two different versions of a classic book 
                                                                                          • to understand how to use dashes and hyphens
                                                                                          • end of  half-term assessment

                                                                                          In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:

                                                                                            • how to solve problems involving money 
                                                                                            • to use perseverance to solve problems
                                                                                            • end of half-term assessments

                                                                                              Weekly Objectives for Year 5

                                                                                            Year 6 Objectives W/C 08/02/16


                                                                                            In Year 6 this week, we will be learning:

                                                                                            • to research the life Ernest Shackleton; and
                                                                                            • to write a biography.


                                                                                            In Year 6 this week, we will be learning:

                                                                                            • to find missing angles within a triangle;
                                                                                            • to identify opposite angles; and
                                                                                            • to find missing angles on a straight line.
                                                                                            As a school, we subscribe to the 'My Maths' website to support children in their learning. Please encourage your child to make the most of this fantastic resource.  

                                                                                            Monday, 1 February 2016

                                                                                            Year 6 Objectives W/C 01/02/2016


                                                                                            In Year 6 this week, we will be learning:

                                                                                            • to empathise with an historical figure;
                                                                                            • to make predictions; and
                                                                                            • to write the ending to a story.


                                                                                            In Year 6 this week, we will be learning:

                                                                                            • to find the volume of cubes and cuboids; and
                                                                                            • to calculate the diameter, circumference and area of circles.
                                                                                            As a school, we subscribe to the 'My Maths' website to support children in their learning. Please encourage your child to make the most of this fantastic resource.  

                                                                                            Monday, 25 January 2016

                                                                                            Making bridges in gymnastics - year 5

                                                                                            In year 5 we have been learning how to balance on different body parts to make bridges. Here are a few examples of the children performing the bridges they created. 

                                                                                            Year 5 Objectives W/C 25/01/16


                                                                                            In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:

                                                                                            • write a traditional story in a modern day setting 
                                                                                            • use editing skills to develop a draft plan of a story
                                                                                            • how to punctuate speech correctly

                                                                                            In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:

                                                                                            • add and subtract large numbers using mental strategies
                                                                                            • find unit and non-unit fractions of amounts
                                                                                            • use the short and long method of multiplication correctly
                                                                                            Weekly Objectives for Year 5

                                                                                            Monday, 18 January 2016

                                                                                            Year 5 Objectives W/C 18/01/16


                                                                                            In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:

                                                                                              • how to write a persuasive argument
                                                                                              • explore a story from the point of view of a character
                                                                                              • use colons to introduce a list

                                                                                              In Year 5 this week, we will be learning:
                                                                                              • introduce mixed numbers
                                                                                              • turn improper fractions into mixed numbers
                                                                                              • compare and order fractions with related denominators

                                                                                              Weekly Objectives for Year 5